So, I spent a little time tonight looking at some other blogs...edublog challenge homework...and found some blogs with focus and some without. Both were comforting to me. The blogs without focus made me feel okay about my own blog and the blogs with focus gave me some ideas about what my focus might be. I still don't know who my audience would be, other than me, but I think that's okay. I was talking about this to my ten year old son and his comment was, "Mom, who do I make my websites for?" What he was getting at is that he (like me) enjoys the creative process for himself. He likes the idea that someone might look at it and he designs with the desire for it to look good for others and be easy to follow, etc, but the real motivation and purpose that drives him is the creation process itself- which is entirely for him. He was telling me that is okay. I sure like him.
By the way, if you'd like to see what my ten year old enjoys creating, here are links to two of his websites:
Pokemon and Mario Kart
My son would like people to know that his two sites were done with help from his brother and from a friend, Casandra.