So, today's (or maybe yesterday's?) challenge was regarding images, rights, and putting pictures in blogs. It's very timely for me because I have been trying to get a better understanding of copyright law and creative commons for teaching my fifth graders. This last edublogger post was really helpful and I plan to use it to help instruct the kids.
The other part of the post today took me to a really fun site called, they had me at the name; I love it! The assignment was to take a picture of my own or upload one that is legal to use and go to a photo editing site to modify the picture before posting it in my blog. So, below is a picture I played with very briefly in befunky and uploaded on here. One thing that I liked about the site was that I didn't have to sign up or give an email, making it perfect for using with elementary students. It will be fun to follow up on our class discussion about copyright law and have the kids search for images to use in befunky.
Befunky looks like a great site! I can see students enjoying it and applying to their projects. How are you discussing copyright law in your 5th grade class? I've shown the students some sights but they seem to forget!