So this summer I bought two different really cool phones with the intention of trying them both out and seeing which one is best for me. The problem is there are great things about both phones. I started the summer with the HTC Evo and have been impressed with a lot of what it can do. The screen size is big and has a cool little kick stand (which I've never actually used, but still think is cool!), it can read more websites because it has a pseudo-flash update, and it is all really well integrated. The downsides for me, though, have been that it is big enough that it doesn't easily fit in my pocket or hand without me accidentally starting apps, the screen smudges horribly (biggie issue in my opinion) making it hard to see in any reasonable amount of light, and it just isn't quite as intuitive as I'd like.
So, now I have phone number two- the new iPhone 4. I have had an iPod touch in the past and have loved it and used it extensively. The iPhone has a lot of similarities to my iPod with the wonderful additions of a phone, a camera, and internet everywhere via cell reception. I like the feel, the look, the accessories, the user interface, and the app store. The drawback for me is in my ability (or inability) to post on my blog and school website and moderate students' comments. Hence, this post is to see how that all goes and eliminate one of the obstacles preventing me and my iPhone from having a future.
I'm seeing now whether or not I can make comments on here and how easily.